Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The temper tantrums!

They are driving me nuts.  Several weeks ago Aiden started throwing these temper tantrums.  if you tell him no, doesn't get his way, or tell him he can't have something he starts screaming "I want (insert object her)" and humping up and down.  Like this morning.  I asked him he wanted oatmeal.  He started a tantrum about wanting cereal.  I was like ok just asking I will make you cereal.  So i make it and set it on the table.
Then his bother comes in and makes some oatmeal.  So now he is screaming over and over "I don't want cereal." and kicking on the living room floor.  I had already made the cereal and after the fit he threw about having cereal, I was not going to give in.
That is the battle that has been going on in my house.  Aiden is throwing these tantrums to get attention, plus he knows when he does through a tantrum, he will get what he wants.  This morning I ignored him while he sat in the living room screaming that he didn't want cereal.  I got up to go to my room to get ready for work and I hear Anthony tell Aiden that he can have the rest of his cereal.  Exactly, Aiden got his way.  I know everyone in the house is frustrated.  These tantrums happen so frequently and they can last anywhere from 10 mins to 30 mins.
Alexis has been complaining about having a constant headache due to her brother.  Everyone gets so annoyed with Aiden's tantrum that they give in and give him what they want.  I have tried explaining to my husband and the kids that they need to just ignore those fits.  It drives me crazy when he has them, but I just walk away and go on with my business.  Eventually he realizes I am not paying attention and moves on.
That is what I am trying to get everyone else to realize.  I keep telling my husband to completely ignore him.  Don't even punish him for the temper tantrums.  Aiden knows just how to manipulate his father and get what he wants.
I just hope he grows out of this phase soon!


  1. Hi! New follower from Bloggy Moms October Blog Hop :-)

    Oh the tantrums! I hope you can get the rest of your family to follow along & the tantrums stop soon. I know how hard that phase can be.
    Hang in there!

    Feel free to stop by my blog at http://smartcentsreview.blogspot.com/

  2. All I can say is that it will get better!!! Just a difficult age!!

  3. Hunter started that and all I say is "if you're going to scream then go to your room where I don't have to hear it." Now all I have to do is point at his room and he instantly stops. Good luck getting hubby to catch on!

  4. Just following from the blo hop I will be glad when my lady bug out grows the tantrums good luck http://mommaof3-littlebits.blogspot.com
