Monday, September 26, 2011


The kittens are here! The kittens are here! I don't know who is more excited, me or the kids lol. So last night our momma cat was acting a little crazy. So we had the feeling she was going to deliver soon. I feel asleep on the couch. At 1:30 in the morning I woke up to go to bed. I found her under the bed having the kittens. She is a first time mom and still young herself, so she was having some difficulties. I was able to mover her and the two already born out from under the bed and into the bin. I woke my daughter up cause I promised her I would if she had them. So I had to help deliver a couple and help her get them cleaned up. The whole time my daughter kept going "Eww gross. Mom your not going to touch that. Eww she's eating it. Eww mom!" It was funny listening to her. She had seven total, but sadly the runt died a few minutes after birth. I know there is a kitty heaven out there for him or her.
Then a funny thing today. I also have a 7 month old kitten. The now momma cat helped raise her so she allowed the 7 month old to come in the bed with her and the babies. Until the kitten decided it was time to play, and the she kicked her out.
And for those of you wondering, yes she will be fixed after this.  For now we are just going to enjoy the kittens until it is time to find a good home for them.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shannon! Juls from Bloggy Moms! Congrats on your batch of kittens. I am eagerly awaiting my little Papillon having her puppies ANYTIME!

    Cute blog! Keep writing!

