Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Family orientated content

I am still new to blogging and was looking at some blog hops.  I was hesitant to post my other blog on some of them because they said must be family orientated.  On my other blog I complain about my and my husbands distant relationship.  One post was about my lack of attraction for him.  But then I started looking at other blogs and the sites.  Some of the things on there I did not consider family orientated.  Then I started thinking about how times have changed.  I was raised by a strict farm breed mother and my opinion of family orientated content is strictly "1985 g rated."  A lot has changed since then.  At my daughters age she knows more than I did at her age.  I was probably still playing with barbies when I was her age lol.
Then I kind of looked in to the way i raise my children.  I have a very open standing with my children.  I don't believe in sheltering my children.  If the ask a question, I will be honest.  I won't go into graphic detail, but I will be honest.  I would rather have my kids learn things from me then from the wrong source.  The other day my neighbor was apologizing profusely for accidentally saying the f word in front of my 11 year old son.  He is in middle school now and kids curse all the time.  I am ok with the accidental slip.  My rule for cursing is as long as it is accidental and not directed at another person.
The term "family orientated content" also got me thinking about a conversation with my daughter a week ago.  In an elective class of hers she had to get a permission slipped sign cause some of the areas are a little touchy.  The class discusses the causes and effects of topics like lying, cheating, stealing, and sexting.  When my daughter handed my the permission slip she said " I already know you do not have a problem with me learning these things."  So we sat down and talked.  I do not have a problem with her learning those things because they are all around with life nowadays.  We discussed how kids who are not allowed to learn about the causes and effects of these topics are the ones more like to get in trouble with one of them.  A well informed child makes a better decision.
So I am curious what everyone elses opinion is of "family oriented content?"  Please leave a comment and let me know.
Check out my other blog:

1 comment:

  1. You know me, so you know how I feel, but for the rest of you, I totally agree with Shannon. If we don't keep the lines of communication open with our kids then they will turn to other sources for their "education". They who knows what they will learn and end up doing. A well informed child, equals a smart child, which leads to a young adult who has a better chance of making it in this world.
